Saturday, August 22, 2009

(What got you here, will not get you there): (White Tiger)

Read two books during two weeks... This post is not a book review ( although I may tag it as one )
(1) What got you here, will not get you there:
(2) The White Tiger

First title, I came to know because my friend gifted this book to a friend of ours who was leaving the company ( and i gited "last lecture"!! ). I dont like reading that much "organisational behaviour" book because i feel i am a spontaneous person, who does random things, and somehow converges the actions to produce results. And i cant be tied up to manners/norms/rules. But still it doesnt hurt to know what experts say, choice is still ours. I felt it as a boring read, but atleast he has brought out some points which I agree whole heartedly. So i was kind of in sync with him. I dont what to disclose what are those points.. And he ofcourse has pointed out in that book many of my bad habits like favouritism, passing judgements, less listening habits. But over the years i think i have improved on these.... ( The book which is my favourite on this line is First break all the rules .)

"White Tiger" - I liked, just l liked slum dog. The life of "haves" and have-nots" is mentioned in a very nice manner. And when the have-not becomes the king, same story repeats. Kerala doesnt have land-lord stuff, so dont know whether these type of things happen in other parts of India. Anyway I liked it as a fiction.

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