Sunday, February 04, 2007

Google earth

Google earth has agreed to blurr pictures of key indian sites...

There was a discussion in the past in one IEEE discussion forum we had...

Some points discussed were:

1. we should have indian Google.... US Google may not be in our national interest.. An argument against this was, now all indian information will be contained in one consolidated point making it easy for anti-indian elements.

2. Does terrorists look into google earth and attack.. they may have their own satellites..

3. Does india have a map or photos stating its key positions... in the event of any any natural or man-made calamity, it will be necessary... now atleast we have google earth...

i dont know...


Jeseem said...

I didn't know that IEEE forums have such useless discussions. unrealistic and impractical

Anoop G said...

it was a open discussion forum --- after some IEEE seminars