Estimations are usually fun. We tend to put a lot of buffers for individual tasks.
Should we do that ?
Buffers are not needed for individual tasks. Buffers are needed only for the whole project.
People should be motivated well enough to target the individual tasks well in time.
The book "Critical Chain" addresses these issues.
Back in our DDG group, we had tried to address this problem while estimating. While estimating individual tasks, it will be reviewed aggressively and buffers were added to the end only.
Luckily I am now free from estimations scheduling and tracking. So do not have to face frowns:)
Well, since schedules are for measuring delays I still have to face those not-so-polite frowns on customers faces
I am again stressing the CPM approach. The estimation should be done with respect to Best time, Worst time and Expected time for each task, rather than adding buffer.
I agree.. employeees should be motivated to finish in best time!
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