Saturday, August 19, 2006

Advertisement - Need a maid servant to look after lachu

I dont believe many read my blog:

Still I want to share my present crisis: I need a good and caring maid servant to look after lachu when her father and mother goes to office..


Today lachu made friends with Malu ( Jojan's daughter) and also Mallavika ( jayalekshmi's daughter)..

Also she got a lot of toys from Spencer Plaza. But her father took the car, and golf kit from her and it is in his possession. Bus and Drums are with her.

Still her favourite is the "Babloo" doll which she got from her US Chittappan. More needed!


Jeseem said...

hope lachu is as troublesome as u. u know , u should get a first hand experience of what u were like ;-)

Muhammad Riyaz said...

anoop, why are you flicking Lachus toys. Give back the car and golf kit to her.