Friday, July 20, 2007

Updates from Boston

My stay again extended for a week. Decided to make atleast coffee. Bought milk, sugar and coffee powder. And only reaching the room realized that i bought flour instead of sugar...:) I dont know how i do this type of mistake. Now drinking coffee without sugar.

Eating is the hardest part. Spends more than 10$ a day but nothing goes inside.. It seems finally I will start cooking..

Today has been one of the day i was feeling like i was in India. When i took the ramp to the freeways I was not allowing the cars in the left to take off before me. And during lanes merger I was fighting with the bigger cars to win the race. Hmmm.., I got a couple of HORNS also.

Spendin lot of time in orkut. perhaps i need a break from orkut!!!!!

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